USA: Spinning in a poly film greenhouse: studio holds outdoor classes in greenhouse
11월 19, 2020
“With impending colder weather, we have invested in a 34′ x 96′ greenhouse.” Usually this is said by a grower, but today we have a fitness studio investing in indoor facilities. They built a greenhouse to expand outdoor class offerings in a fun, warm and safe manner.

“The greenhouse will allow excellent air flow and ventilation with some solar gain. The large scale of the greenhouse will allow plenty of room for social distancing,” they say, explaining that the safety of their team and members is their first priority. “The greenhouse was a solution to keep the community together and continue to stay fit and healthy.”

The night classes are advertised as spinning under the stars and also about the heath people do not have to worry. “If you want to spin under the stars and do sit ups in the light of the warm winter sun, come join the community at Fuel. We have invested in a large greenhouse structure to protect from wind, cold and rain as the weather turns, and this structure has 4 sides that roll up and down to provide excellent ventilation during classes.”

Poly film greenhouse is a more cost-effective structure, you can use Toyotani® poly film for covering, steel pipe for structure, Kingzo® Electric motor and Manual Crank for side ventilation, Vinipet® Wiggle Wire and Lockup®Locking Channel for film locking, 3GG® or Kingzo®Gear Motor for shading, and some of other greenhouse materials, Fenglong can supply one-stop purchase for everything of greenhouse,including film greenhouse, glass greenhouse and PC Board greenhouse.

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